New ISUP Kits on the Block: Ranking 6 of the Newest ISUP Bundles of the Year

Inflatable paddle boards have soared in popularity over the past couple of years. They are quickly surpassing their traditional hard board counterparts due to a combination of favorable qualifications: portability, durability, and affordability. For that reason, it’s become difficult to keep up with all the new boards that have been flooding the market recently. When … Read more

A Quick and Dirty Infographic of the Top 6 Inflatable SUPs

As inflatable paddle boards soar in popularity, more and more manufacturers are getting in on the action with ever more choices. Having lots of options is good, but sometimes they can leave you a bit overwhelmed, especially on a high dollar item like a paddle board. Why are ISUPs quickly becoming a go-to choice in … Read more

4 Pro Travel Tips for a Killer Hood River, Oregon Adventure

Despite having lived in Montana part-time for 3 years now and traveled to almost all 50 states, surprisingly Oregon was one of the last few states I hadn’t yet been to. (If inquiring minds want to know, the other untraveled-to states are Vermont, North Dakota, Hawaii, Delaware, and Nevada). I made it a goal at … Read more

The 5 Most Ultimate Paddling Vacations Worldwide

If you’re like me, then the thought of your typical beach vacation sounds a little…humdrum. Laying on a sandy beach, dripping sweat, binge eating and sipping cocktails is nice for a day. But what about the other 6 days? Call me crazy, but all that beach bumming gets boring. Give me some adventure! Challenge me! … Read more